Visual Design & Branding

I have been working as a visual designer for 15+ years since graduating from Monash University in Visual Communication. Visual design is my first love. I’m really passionate about crafting beautiful brands and visual messages to help you reach your audience. I work mostly in a freelance capacity and long-term with select clients. Please don’t hesitate to contact me with your project/brand ideas.

Identity design, illustration and website design for The Systems School – an organisation that facilitates transformative learning experiences that build capacity in individuals, teams and collaborations for systems thinking and systems wayfinding.

The System School

Identity design, illustration and website design for Forest Door, a mushroom grow house company.

Forest Door

Identity design, illustration and website design for Movement Muse, a platform for a dance movement therapist practitioner.

Movement Muse

Identity design and illustration for Kiri Bear, a healer, storyteller, facilitator and coach building regenerative cultures from the inside out.

Identity design, photography and website for Bard Lewry – a holder of ceremony, a writer and a ritualist.

Bard Lewry

Identity design, illustration and web design for Seedchange, a platform for innovative investors and entrepreneurs.


Identity design and visual design for North, a not-for-profit fashion and textile enterprise celebrating indigenous artists from the top end.

Identity design for Cloud Catcher, a consulting group run by Matt Wicking that supports progressive groups by facilitating workshops and retreats, MCing events and delivering creative presentations on important topics.

Identity and web design for Gateway 2 Talent, a social enterprise enabling orgnisations to build an inclusive workforce.

Illustration and identity design for Le Village, a intentional community based in Woodend.

Identity and website design for Northern Music Hub, a platform for music and arts in the Northern Territory.

Visual and website design for Pathways in Place, a system change project run by a team of researchers from Griffith and Victoria Universities.

Pathways in Place

Various logos designed over recent years.